Ash’s Origin Story and the Future of InfinifatshionFebruary

A listener reached out to me on Instagram recently and suggested I do an introduction episode. It never even occurred to me! So here we are, three years into The Fat Lip, and I’m finally telling you some of my origin story. Hint: it starts on a farm and involves crying. Photos to follow. And

Sarah’s Dream-Massage Therapy for Fat People

We’re still talking about goals today, and Sarah’s is very exciting. She wants to open a business that provides massage therapy for fat people. It’s a daunting prospect, but Sarah has seen firsthand that many massage therapists do not want to work on fat people. This is because of fatphobia but also because of a

Infinifatshion February 2019

It’s that time of year again: Infinifatshion February! All month I’ll be posting a photo a day on Instagram to highlight the lack of access (to clothing and so many other basic needs) that the fattest among us experience. In today’s episode I’m talking about why the term “infinifat” exists, what it means, and why

#Goals with Miranda of The Plus Life

The beginning of a new year doesn’t mean that much, but I like to make yearly goals. Don’t call it a resolution if you don’t want to–there are so many negative diet culture-y connotations– but I still make them. Not achieving them won’t break me, but I like thinking about what I’d like to accomplish

The Fat Lip in 2019

As I think about the direction of The Fat Lip in 2019, I’ve been reflecting on the pod and what we’ve created together. We’ve done incredibly important work with the pod, and I am so happy with what it has become. On TFL we’ve always focused entirely on very fat-focused issues, though. The work has

Confessions of a Fat Rideshare Driver Part 2!

Britney was so funny and lovely that I needed to share more of our conversation with you! Enjoy this one on your holiday drive! I hope your destination is warm and cheerful and devoid of diet talk! Happy Holidays! Guest: Music: Sponsors: (Use the code FATLIP at checkout!) Patreon:

Confessions of a Fat Rideshare Driver (Part 1)

Brittney is a fat rideshare driver, and she LOVES it–she meets tons of friendly, interesting riders. She also gets a few creeps. On today’s show she’s talking about her experience driving strangers around in her car. And this is Part 1 of 2! Brittney had so many funny stories and helpful insight that I needed

Holiday Table Advocacy (Replay)

Another holiday season has arrived, and as you head to your uncle’s for a feast please remember to take care of yourself. Holiday meals are such a diet culture minefield, and if you’re a fat person, you gotta just get through them however you can. If you’re thin, though, look out for your fat family

Living Livid Part 2–Following Up

When we left off with Kelly a couple of episodes ago (Episode 49: Living Livid…), she was about to answer a call from a medical practice that she’d been fighting with over her care. In today’s episode we follow up to talk about how it went and how to care for yourself when you’re in

Universal Standard’s New Foundations Line (sizes 00-40)–Womp Womp.

Today, after many months of anticipation and excitement, I was thrilled to hear that Universal Standard’s first collection that goes to a size 40 was launched. Now I’ve talked about this on the pod a couple of times and on Instagram a lot. When Universal Standard announced months ago that they were going to do

Living Livid–Kelly (@lividlipids) on Healthcare, Parenting, and Life as an Almost-Infinifat (49)

The most important thing I do on this show is talk about my regular life experiences. There’s just so little representation for fat people (and especially infinifats) that it is so valuable to hear that we’re not alone in the things we go through. On today’s show I’m talking to my friend Kelly (@lividlipids on

A Quick Note on the HuffPo Article from a Tired Host

Last week’s Huffington Post article “Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong” is a big step towards mainstream acknowledgement of the things that fat activists have been talking about for years. And it’s about time! But it’s not perfect, and there’s still a lot of work to do. Today on the pod I’m talking through

The Return of Chelsey–Activist Exhaustion, Raising Fat-Positive Kids, and Fatshion Frustration

You may remember our guest this week–Chelsey was with me for Episode 31 on fat pregnancy and delivery. We’ve become internet friends since then, and today she’s back on the pod to chat. We’re covering tons of topics–activist exhaustion, fatshion frustration, and the struggle of raising fat positive kids in a fat negative world. Follow

Ask Your Fat Host: A Q&A Episode

I get a lot of questions on social media and via email, and I love that listeners ask me about things! Many of them are great questions that probably a lot of you could use the answers to! Annnd some of them are just personal questions about me, and I enjoy talking about myself so

AMC’s Dietland is a F*cking Revelation–A Totally Balanced, Objective Discussion

Earlier this Spring, AMC premiered Dietland, a show based on the novel by Sarai Walker. Dietland features a fat protagonist who has been pursuing thinness her whole life, but she has finally started to see another way. It’s no secret that representation of fat people in mainstream media is often pretty dismal and even offensive.